Saturday, 7 March 2015

Wolverhampton Airport (Bobbington Airport)

Wolverhampton Airport (Bobbington Airport) Halfpenny Green lies just north of SO88 in SO89.  Even though not in the study area, only 1/2 mile outside, it is worthy of mention (not just for aviation enthusiasts) for its grassland habitat.

In between the runways and taxiways are large areas of grass which is a haven for wildlife.  Due to the security of the airfield (all viewing has to be done from the road) there is very little human disturbance - aircraft, like motorcars, are tolerated by birds and mammals.

Singing skylark is guaranteed in spring and summer along with red-legged partridge and, if lucky, grey partridge - a rarity these days.  In the past I have seen curlew there uttering their liquid calls. Birds of prey have put in a good appearance over the years with merlin, peregrine, kestrel, and short-eared owl.  It used to be a great place for hare but, alas, they seemed to have declined in recent years.

And so I paid a visit there on Saturday 28 February.  To my surprise, there was a female stonechat on one of the fence posts.  I watched the bird for about 30 minutes as it kept flying down to the ground in search of food and then returning to one of the many fence posts around the perimeter of the taxiway.

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