Island Pool (8 February, 2015)
The weather has been cold of late with overnight temperatures down to -6c. Today, though, it turned a bit warmer and after a misty start to the day the sun came out at midday, making it a fine day for walking.
Island Pool is on the A449 and comprises of a pool and a stream that feeds it. The pool, stream and boggy area above has well established alder and willow.
The public footpath runs alongside the pool, continues on through a much drier area that is covered in hawthorn, wild rose and a few crab apple trees, then passes through a pleasant water meadow and eventually meets another pool at Whitehouse Farm.
Because of the cold weather, the Island Pool was partly frozen over with just a pair of mallards on the ice-free area. As I approached the hawthorns, a pair of bullfinches flew off giving off their characteristic call.
The water meadow is a pleasant area and in the past has attracted grey wagtail, which looks enchanting in spring-time alongside the forget-me-not with their blue flowers.
It was at this point, near the metal gate that enters the meadow, that a water rail was feeding on the edge of the stream. For such a secretive and shy bird, it seemed to tolerate my presence with only the occasional run back to cover when a pair of crows few over calling, 'croak' 'croak'.
With such good and prolonged views, I was able to appreciate its plumage: brown above with black to the centre of the mantle feathers, grey and white lined rear flanks, partly red bill, and, the most striking feature, buff and white undertail coverts.
Adding to the ambience of the moment, a skylark started singing high above me, the first I have heard this year.
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